Monday, March 24, 2008

Famous Former Boyfriend #3

It's time to take a trip to Eastman; yes, Eastman School of Music.
The year is 1987 and I am on a plane for the first time. --
--My friend, Bill Garvey, who is a follower of a Bill
a Bill of adifferent kind, Billy Graham, is aboard the plane as well. --
--All of that's coincidence, and incidental to the upcoming story,
but nonetheless adds flavor to the narrative-angelical soup.--

--There is nothing angelic in the story I'm about to tell you; though the innocence in the main character, that would be me, will most certainly be a recurring theme.--
--So ride with me, if you will, in seat 12 A, directly next to the window, as we make our way to Rochester, New York, from the tiniest of tenoristic airports; the hub in Charlottesville, Virginia, home to none other than Dave and the Dave Matthews band. One of the premiere tenorial bands of the late twentieth century. --
--The school where I would be heading, was designed for a musical flavor of a different kind. Classical music. Strictly classical music. And this as it turned out, was a great love of mine.
--So I was heading up north to make a run at a musical career. With a brand new suit at hand and a sweet sonorous voice.


AutumnZ said...

Love. This. Post.

riablahgs said...

You're amazing! Love your articles a lot, very entertaining and funny too...

So, how are you now? I would like to invite you to so you can meet with other bloggers like me. Let me know if you joined so I can search for you and my username is MSCULIT...

Have a great EARTH HOUR day today... DId you observe it? Hope so...Keep blogging!

AutumnZ said...

I have lost your phone number AND email address, so, here for all the public's viewing pleasure, is our correspondence.

I want to bring a great guy to your soiree, if this is good for you. He's wonderful. Here is a link to his blog

This is what I said about him on my "fellow bloggers" post:
Little House: Here is a blog by a local celebrity who just happens to be one of my posse. Raybob is Chris' best friend. He sings like an angel, is a shaman, and has opened my eyes to gay erotica, per his blog. Admittedly, I was a little freaked out at first ( ache in my sphincter! I can honestly say that I have never experienced that :-) Love you, honey bear.

Jeffrey said...

Raybob here - love this blog :-)