Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spirituality, Absence, and Imagination

O.k. guys, maybe you're wondering how these things somehow connect in a coherent way. Well, I suppose the answer to that will vary from person to person, but for me it is straightforward: it takes a lot of imagination for me to put myself in a completely absent space, where I can be present with another individual on his/her own terms.

Yep that's me--somehow always wanting to insert my creative and/or opinionated self into a conversation. Wanting to make myself present in a way that is not in any way indicative of actually being present with another individual. Isn't it ironic, really--that being fully present with someone requires oneself to suspend self, as it were--to be absent, in a sense.

This all came to me today, as I was reading a blog from a fellow whose life is devoted to spirituality. Way cool, huh. Maybe I'm finding myself currently suspended between my creative self--which seems to be an essential part of who I am--and my spiritual self, which would release me from the notion of an essence altogether, beyond of course, spirituality itself.

Yet doing this Does take imagination, no? So therein seems to lie the paradox, the very paradox that will allow me the luxury of staying suspended, living inside both selves simultaneously.

None of this may make any sense. But oh well, it feels good to simply write.--Blogs are a blessing.



Unknown said...

I see very much what you mean actually. I have been meditating three times a day recently and have begun to think of it as a way of traing to "get out of the way," so that I can see what is, what is with me, and what is with others and with the world.

And thanks for your comment on my poem, which is why I really stopped by. Hi from a fellow southerner. I am from Chattanooga and Atlanta.


Malcolm XYZ said...

wait, that is not my current blog. let me try this again.

Malcolm XYZ said...


sorry about the john doe x thing. that sounds like some porn star, which is why i don't use it. i am the poem dude. thanks again. and sorry for three comments when i should have only put one.