Saturday, March 15, 2008


I seem to be one of those who likes to sample just about every flavor of ice cream at the Baskin Robbins. --Some of you creative types out there, I'm sure, can relate.--Wouldn't it be nice, though, to commit to chocolate ice cream?--To decide that chocolate is indeed your favorite, and darnit you're just going to stick with it.

Of course, there is always a thresh-hold point, that point at which your stomach will turn and your face turn green, or chocolate brown, if you have to take one more bite of the chosen flavor.--- Time to try something different, oh, butterscotch perhaps, just to take a break and allow one's desire for chocolate to resurface in due time.

Maybe it's o.k. to have two flavors. But certainly not three or four or five, or, in my case, Lord help me, ten different favorites all swirling in the mix like a flavorless dish. How uninviting really.

--I had a boyfriend, from Appalachia, Bruce was his name, who liked to stack mashed potatoes and beats along with a few bits of hamburger on top of his green salad; oh and don't forget the ranch dressing, that was gluey swirl, yum. ..lots of incongruent parts mixed in together and consumed all at once. --Well that may be yummy to some Appalachian boys around town... I must confess I myself come from the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia.

But I am taking a new turn. Green Salads on the T and S days. Chocolate ice cream on the others. And there will be no ice cream in my salad.

So there I have made a commitment.--Let's see if I can hold myself to it.

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