Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Sex of Vocal Pedagogy

Sex is about pairs, no?
Pairs of people and pairs of parts.

Yet often we want to talk about the two essential parts:
Thus God made man and woman, so that they.....

But of course we know there are many parts
And many many ways to pair

So too goes with voice, it seems
with the five essential vowels ah, eh, ee, oh, oo

Hmm...what are the five essential parts
of the human body, when engaged in the song of love-making

Still digressing
always digressing

So when the ah pairs with eh, in the speaking voice
ah is on the bottom (pitch-wise) and eh is on the top

Eh is the brighter of the two, ugh the analogy is troubling there
On the other hand the ah is more full and luscious, with greater potential--so there...

We can always add in the "ee", just to spice things up a little
This vowel is always versatile, which makes the experiencing inviting--if not riveting

Pair the "ee" with the "eh" and you get narrow phonation, even slightly nasal
Isn't it fun to see just how narrowly you can set the orifice--nasal is nasty and nice

Pairing does wonders
for paradox

Pair the "ee" with the "ah" and you get a full and sensual sound
Like chocolate, swirling chocolate, along the lips of Juan Pedro (who is Juan Pedro, oh my)

Such a pairing can be dangerous
for a tenor on the trapeze

Tiptoeing as a tightwire act
with nastly nasal F#'s to spin




Gregory said...

In English, we think that /Ɛ/ is brighter than /a/, but in italian, "Amore" is begins with a much brighter vowel than "empio".

In English we think of the /a/ as round and open, but romance languages think of it as brilliant and open.

Pavarotti had the best /a/ any one was ever given.

Just my two cents worth. An engaging dialogue between partners, though, truly.

I have been known to equate certain erotic pharyngeal spaces with certain notes in my range. Needless to say, some boys require me to "sing higher" than others....

And now I've said too much.

Tenore said...

Yes. Point well taken. All vowels vary in color, depending on their context--both in terms of the words in which they are embedded and registration.

Sometimes it's fun to sing vowels alone, to open up the voice so they're unencumbered by consonants.

This is an intriguing idea, though--that the ah can be the brighter vowel, even outside of context, if one imagines it that way.

Great food for experimentation!

AutumnZ said...

See, now this was above my head. I'll just leave y'all to it :-)

riablahgs said...

Very "interesting" choice of topic... =)

Oh, btw, thanks again for the comment. Do visit Dubai when you have time. Best time to come is during November - late February when the weather is quite accommodating. Unless you want to be toasted under the heat going up to 50 degrees Celcius, then visit on August - Sept.

Kind regards,

Awen said...

Funny shit. Greg, I'm lovin' your blog. How could I take so long to find your comment in mine?